Shoalhaven Cheer Academy

Tumbling classes

Tumbling classes with professional, qualified coaches!

Our team at SCA ALLSTARS are the leaders in tumbling and acrobatics in the Shoalhaven. Tumbling can also be known as floor based gymnastics, and encompasses the same tumbling/flipping skills as you would see in a gymnastics or cheer routine! Our program follows very strict progressions, focusing on technique, strength, and stability. Athletes work their way through our tumbling levels, getting to know and understand their bodies, movements, and muscle groups. Although progress may be slow to begin with, our tried and tested methods showcase extreme progressions once the basics have been mastered. Trust the process!

Our qualified handful of coaches are dedicated not only to our gym but to our athletes success. From beginner classes all the way up to our elite classes, tumbling is one of our favourite programs! All of our tumble coaches come from different backgrounds, including gymnastics, cheerleading, acrobatics, and dance. 

We are constantly upgrading our tumbling program to offer the best possible training to our athletes of all ages. We want to ensure our athletes are learning the best, from the best!